Field Sales Team Training

Bob and Sara will be walking through training with manufacturer/distributor field sales teams for an hour once a month in a Zoom meeting. We know that learning is not a one-time event, so this will be coupled with homework after each session, giving you and your management team something to continue the conversation around after the training. In addition, these will all be recorded, giving anyone who misses a session they will have the ability to get caught up on their time.  

The investment is $99/month per manufacturer/distributor field salesperson. 

Field Sales Team Training

January 18th @ 10:00 AM

This is designed to be a 12-month training workshop for field salespeople calling on dealerships.
It involves a structured and progressive approach to enhance their skills, knowledge, and strategies.

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Bob and Sara will be walking through training with field sales teams for an hour once a month in a Zoom meeting. We know that learning is not a one-time event, so this will be coupled with homework after each session, giving you and your management team something to continue the conversation around after the training. In addition, these will all be recorded, giving anyone who misses a session they will have the ability to get caught up on their time.  

The investment is $99/month per manufacturer/distributor field salesperson. 

Month 1-3: Foundation Building

January 18th - Introduction to Dealership Dynamics

  • Understanding the dealership structure.

  • Overview of products/services sold through dealerships.

  • Introduction to key dealership personnel and their functions.

February 29th - Sales Techniques and Communication

  • Effective communication skills for building rapport with dealership staff.

  • Consultative selling strategies tailored to dealership environments.

  • Role-playing exercises focusing on handling objections and closing deals.

March 21st - Product Knowledge and Market Analysis

  • In-depth training on products/services offered by the company.

  • Market analysis and understanding competitors' products.

  • Identifying unique selling points and advantages of company offerings.

Month 4-6: Relationship Building and Sales Strategies

April 18th - Relationship Management

  • Developing long-term relationships with dealership personnel.

  • Strategies for maintaining regular communication and follow-ups.

  • Utilizing Customer relationship management (CRM) software.

May 23rd - Negotiation Skills and Closing

  • Advanced negotiation techniques tailored for dealership sales.

  • Overcoming price objections and negotiating win-win deals.

  • Understanding dealership financial models and margins.

June 20th - Territory Management and Time Optimization

  • Efficiently managing territories for maximum coverage.

  • Time management strategies for optimizing dealership visits.

  • Leveraging technology and tools for effective planning.

Month 7-9: Marketing and Branding Strategies

July 25th - Marketing and Promotions

  • Understanding dealership marketing strategies.

  • Collaborative marketing initiatives and co-op advertising.

  • Leveraging promotional materials and resources effectively.

August 22nd - Brand Representation and Training

  • Representing the company brand effectively at dealerships.

  • Training on brand values, identity, and aligning with brand guidelines.

  • Conducting product demos and presentations aligned with brand values.

September 19th - Customer Experience and Feedback Gathering

  • Enhancing customer experience through service excellence.

  • Techniques for collecting and utilizing customer feedback.

  • Understanding customer journey mapping in a dealership setting.

Month 10-12: Advanced Strategies and Professional Development

October 24th - Advanced Selling Strategies

  • Upselling and cross-selling techniques within a dealership.

  • Building on relationship-based selling to enhance sales numbers.

  • Handling complex sales scenarios and decision-making processes.

November 21st - Professional Development and Leadership

  • Personal development plans for sales team members.

  • Leadership skills for field sales managers within dealership environments.

  • Training in mentoring and coaching junior sales team members.

December 19th - Review, Assessment, and Future Planning

  • Review of the entire training programs' impact and effectiveness.

  • Assessing sales team performance and achievements.

  • Planning for continuous improvement and future training needs.